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Providing a safe place where children feel a sense of belonging:
Structuring opportunities for growth, skill development and creativity through mentally and physically stimulating activities;
Being positive role models, and practicing consistency and stability; and
Creating opportunities to enrich the West Central neighbourhood of Winnipeg
Evermore Gather Grow Lead Inc. is committed to fostering a supportive work environment for employees experiencing perimenopause, menopause, or other hormone-related health changes. This policy aims to foster an inclusive work environment for employees experiencing perimenopause and menopause, recognizing the potential impact of symptoms on their work performance and well-being. As a small nonprofit organization, we are committed to ensuring that all staff feel comfortable, respected, and supported during this stage of life.
Evermore Gather Grow Lead Inc.
532 Ellice Avenue
Winnipeg MB
R3B 1Z2
Phone:(204) 772-9315
Charitable Business Number: 119292282RR0001
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